On February 21, 2024, an exclusive group gathered at King & Spalding's Atlanta headquarters to learn about the current AI governance and regulatory environment.

Chris Hackney, AI Guardian's CEO, delivered the keynote ...
He began with a bold statement "Almost everyone is breaking at least one law or regulation related to AI today."
Reviewed where artificial intelligence is today and why, including comparing it to social media
Discussed the current AI regulatory state, with a deeper dive on the EU AI Act
He wrapped with 5 predictions for AI in 2024

Next, an impressive panel featuring
IBM's Deepa Krishnan
Wavicle Data Solution's Dr. Beverly Wright
Baker Donelson's Justin Daniels and
King & Spalding's Kassi Burns
The panel discussed topics like ...
What’s your outlook on the AI regulatory environment? The EU AI Act? US regulation?
What’s your advice for companies looking to maximize the real value they can derive from it? What mistakes might they be making in adopting AI that could hold back the value they receive from it?
What do you see as the most prominent technical challenges organizations need to tackle in relation to AI adoption and what’s the best way for organizations to approach those technical challenges?
How should companies approach AI Governance as they adopt AI? What governance efforts are you seeing working or not working at this stage?
How should organizations set up oversight of AI? Should it be centralized? In the hands of departments that apply it?
What are you most excited about and concerned about when it comes to the application of generative AI?
What few things would you absolutely say they have to be doing now to get the most value from it?

The event wrapped with time for the attendees to network with each other and follow up on conversations raised during the session. Similar events are being planned in other markets - email AIG@aiguardianapp.com if you're interested in attending an event near you.
Watch the on-demand replay of the full event here: